General Knowledge Quiz

1) Who is the story about?
a) Carlo
b) Catarina
c) Both Carlo and Catarina
d) None of them

2) What is the time mentioned in the story?
a) day
b) night
c) evening
d) noon

3) How often did Carlo take the breather?
a) rarely
b) often
c) Once in a while
d) seldom

4) Why was it required for him to take a breather?
a) Because he was rowing all night
b) Because he was tired
c) Because he was worried
d) All of the above

5) According to the writer, what might be the cause of a suspicion?
a) A boat on water
b) A boat
c) A boat rocking on water
d) None of the above

6) What does the author mean by “dally” in context to the story?
a) act
b) move
c) dawdle
d) None of the above

7) Which way was the current flowing?
a) Towards the boat
b) Opposite the boat
c) Away from the boat
d) Diagonally from the boat

8) What was the result of the current that was not exactly in their favour?
a) They were washed offshore
b) They were hit with the shore
c) They were dangerously hit with the shore
d) They were moving the other way

9) Were they hit against the shore? If so then why?
a) Yes, they were rowing towards it
b) No, they were safe
c) yes
d) Yes because they were too near the shoreline

10) Why was Carlo rowing near the shoreline?
a) Because he was uncertain about the direction
b) Because he was scared
c) Because he did not know the direction
d) All of the above

11) When the writer says “close”, he means close to what?
a) The trees
b) The road
c) The shore
d) The bank

12) What was difficult for Carlo?
a) To grip the oars
b) To manage the boat
c) To row
d) All of the above

13) Why did Carlo have to face the difficulty?
a) Because his hands were sore
b) Because his hands were chapped
c) Because he was in pain
d) All of the above

14) What is a synonym for “pester”?
a) annoy
b) worry
c) disturb
d) torment

15) How many reasons does the writer give to show why Carlo does not let Catarina to row?
a) 3
b) 4
c) 2
d) 1

16) What was the climate like?
a) summer
b) monsoon
c) winter
d) None of the above

17) Where were Carlo and Catarina rowing?
a) In the lake
b) In the Luba
c) Along the shoreline
d) In the sea

18) What was the water of the Luba like?
a) cold
b) freezing
c) chilly
d) All of the above

19) What illness might they die of?
a) Of pneumonia
b) Of cold
c) Of hunger
d) None of the above

20) What else might happen to them?
a) They might be dead
b) They might be killed or drowned
c) They might be lost
d) They might be drowned

21) Who was a better swimmer?
a) Carlo
b) Catarina
c) both
d) none

22) How did the weather turn out later?
a) pleasant
b) windy
c) rainy
d) clear

23) What was the symbol of hope?
a) The moon
b) The clouds
c) The wind
d) The stopping of the rain

24) How might Carlo have reacted in the nature if he was not in this turmoil?
a) He might be sentimental
b) He might be romantic
c) both the above
d) None of the above

25) What was behind Carlo?
a) The lake
b) The moon
c) Hastavalenco
d) All of the above

26) What does the writer mean by “widow’s veil”?
a) The moon
b) The clouds
c) The darkness
d) The lake

27) What did Carlo prefer?
a) The darkness
b) The moonlight
c) The wind
d) None of the above

28) What does the word “arduous” mean in reference to the text?
a) harsh
b) strenuous
c) exhausting
d) tough

29) Could Carlo eventually row a long distance?
a) Yes, he tried
b) No, it was very difficult
c) yes
d) no

30) How clearly could Carlo see the shore?
a) Very clearly
b) Pretty clearly
c) Quite clearly
d) All of the above

31) Why were the villas white?
a) Because they were far away
b) Because they were covered with snow
c) Because the moon shone on them
d) None of the above

32) Where were the villas?
a) On the mountain slopes
b) In the trees
c) On the mountains
d) All of the above

33) What does the writer mean by “both”?
a) Carlo and his boat
b) Catarina and the umbrella
c) Carlo and Catarina
d) None of the above

34) What did Catarina want to hold out?
a) The sail
b) The oars
c) The boat
d) None of the above

35) What did she want to use as the sail?
a) The umbrella
b) The oars
c) both
d) none

36) Why did Carlo feel it was dangerous?
a) Because it was dark
b) Because they were too near the shore
c) Because Catarina could not hold on to the umbrella
d) Because Carlo was scared

37) How long did he want to wait?
a) A while
b) Just a while
c) For a while
d) Some time

38) Who speaks out first in the text?
a) Carlo
b) Catarina
c) both
d) none

39) What does “discernible” mean in the text?
a) clear
b) observable
c) apparent
d) visible

40) What should these lights be?
a) dangerous
b) Luno
c) correct
d) None of the above

41) What do the lights say about the route?
a) That is the correct course
b) That is the wrong way
c) That is the opposite course
d) None of the above

42) How was Carlo sure that he was on the right track?
a) Because he saw the lights
b) Because the saw the gaps
c) Because he was the gaps between mountains
d) Because the light was Luno

43) What is the antonym of “pessimistic”?
a) bleak
b) defeatist
c) melancholy
d) optimistic

44) When would Carlo feel completely secured?
a) When they were over the border
b) When they were across the border
c) When they were safe
d) When they were on the right course

45) Where did Carlo tell Catarina to hold the oar?
a) Side of the boat
b) Under her arms
c) Under her arm
d) Close to her arms

46) What would Carlo do while Catarina rowed?
a) He would guide her
b) He would hold the umbrella
c) He would hold up the oar
d) He would steer

47) How did he move to the stern?
a) Climbed back
b) Climbed with difficulty
c) Clambered back
d) All of the above

48) What was the size of the umbrella?
a) huge
b) gigantic
c) large
d) enormous

49) While opening the umbrella, what kind of sound did it make?
a) clap
b) click
c) crash
d) All of the above

50) Where did Carlo sit?
a) On the handle
b) Across the handle
c) By the handle
d) Over the handle

51) What was over the seat?
a) oar
b) hook
c) handle
d) umbrella

52) How was the handle positioned?
a) It was across
b) It was hooked
c) It was both from the above
d) None of the above

53) Why did Carlo have to hold the umbrella with both hands?
a) Because he was losing balance
b) Because he was on the handle
c) Because the umbrella was big in size
d) None of the above

54) What is a “strongish wind”?
a) A breeze
b) A gale
c) A storm
d) A strong wind

55) Why did Carlo have to “cling on”?
a) To save himself
b) For dear life
c) To survive
d) All of the above

56) How did Catarina react?
a) Like a schoolgirl
b) She laughed
c) She pulled Carlo hard
d) She controlled the rudder

57) What word can replace “picked up speed”?
a) revved
b) fastened
c) Increased speed
d) quickened

58) What does “elation” mean?
a) delight
b) excitement
c) glee
d) All of the above

59) What was Carlo’s expression?
a) gloomy
b) grim
c) sad
d) scared

60) What does the writer mean by “exuberance”?
a) energy
b) cheerfulness
c) excitement
d) All of the above

61) Who was better in tackling the boat?
a) Carlo
b) Catarina
c) both
d) none

62) Why were they afraid of getting pneumonia?
a) Because the water was icy cold
b) Because it was raining hard
c) Because the wind was blowing ferociously
d) All of the above

63) Did the shining of the moon have any effect on Carlo’s mood?
a) Not mentioned in text
b) probably
c) no
d) yes

64) What does “skim” mean?
a) brush
b) dart
c) sail
d) float

65) Who were the “fugitives”?
a) The soldier
b) The patrolling guards
c) Carlo and Catarina
d) No one

66) What did Carlo pray?
a) To save Catarina
b) To save himself
c) both
d) None of the above

67) What does the writer mean by “erred”?
a) mistake
b) blunder
c) misjudge
d) misapprehend

68) Did Carlo relax during rowing the boat?
a) probably
b) no
c) yes
d) Once in a while

69) How could they see the white villas?
a) Because of the lights
b) Because of the Luno
c) Because of the moonbeam
d) None of the above

70) How did Catarina want to help?
a) By holding the umbrella as a sail
b) By holding the open umbrella
c) By holding the umbrella
d) All of the above

Quiz script configured by tarisha